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The document has moved here. CropSci Publisher A Sophia Publishing Service Title
  Articles published with SSR markers
Huijuan  X , Xiaoyan  Chen
Cotton Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol. 15, No. 2
Song Li 1 , Delin Shi 2 , Dengji Lo 1 , Yundong Shi 1
Maize Genomics and Genetics, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2
Prakash G Patil 1,2 , Byregowda M 1 , Bhuvaneshwara R Patil 3 , Alok Da 2 , Mary Reena G A 1 , Sowjanya M S 1 , Shashidhar H E 1
Legume Genomics and Genetics, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 6